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Title: Research monitoring practices in critical care research: a survey of current state and attitudes
Authors: Le Marsney, Renate
Williams, Tara 
Johnson, Kerry 
George, Shane 
Gibbons, Kristen S
Issue Date: 21-Mar-2022
Publisher: BMC
Source: Le Marsney, R., Williams, T., Johnson, K. et al. Research monitoring practices in critical care research: a survey of current state and attitudes. BMC Med Res Methodol 22, 74 (2022).
Journal: BMC medical research methodology
Abstract: In 2016, international standards governing clinical research recommended that the approach to monitoring a research project should be undertaken based on risk, however it is unknown whether this approach has been adopted in Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) throughout critical care research. The aims of the project were to: 1) Gain an understanding of current research monitoring practices in academic-led clinical trials in the field of critical care research, 2) Describe the perceived barriers and enablers to undertaking research monitoring. Electronic survey distributed to investigators, research co-ordinators and other research staff currently undertaking and supporting academic-led clinical trials in the field of critical care in ANZ. Of the 118 respondents, 70 were involved in the co-ordination of academic trials; the remaining results pertain to this sub-sample. Fifty-eight (83%) were working in research units associated with hospitals, 29 (41%) were experienced Research Coordinators and 19 (27%) Principal Investigators; 31 (44%) were primarily associated with paediatric research. Fifty-six (80%) develop monitoring plans with 33 (59%) of these undertaking a risk assessment; the most common barrier reported was lack of expertise. Nineteen (27%) indicated that centralised monitoring was used, noting that technology to support centralised monitoring (45/51; 88%) along with support from data managers and statisticians (45/52; 87%) were key enablers. Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) impacted monitoring for 82% (45/55) by increasing remote (25/45; 56%) and reducing onsite (29/45; 64%) monitoring. Contrary to Good Clinical Practice guidance, risk assessments to inform monitoring plans are not being consistently performed due to lack of experience and guidance. There is an urgent need to enhance risk assessment methodologies and develop technological solutions for centralised statistical monitoring.
DOI: 10.1186/s12874-022-01551-7
Keywords: Clinical trials;Monitoring;Risk-based monitoring
Type: Article
Appears in Sites:Gold Coast Health Publications

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