Forensic and Scientific Services Publications : [205] Site home page

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Site's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 205
Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
-Palliative care challenges: Implications for nurses' practice in renal settingsAnn,Bonner
-Occupational Health Nurses’ Roles, Credentials, and Continuing Education in Ontario, CanadaAnn,Bonner
-Examining the knowledge, attitude and use of research by nursesAnn,Bonner
-Daily dialysis: Exploring the impact for patients and nursesAnn,Bonner
-Negotiating: Experiences of Community Nurses When Contracting with ClientsAnn,Bonner
-Employer-based support for registered nurses undertaking postgraduate study via distance educationAnn,Bonner
2024Incidence and survival for childhood cancer by endorsed non‐stage prognostic indicators in AustraliaDanny R. Youlden; Sumit Gupta; A. Lindsay Frazier; Andrew S. Moore; Nicholas G. Gottardo; Joanne F. Aitken
2024Population‐level 5‐year event‐free survival for children with cancer in AustraliaDanny R. Youlden; Peter D. Baade; Nicolas G. Gottardo; Andrew S. Moore; Patricia C. Valery; Jason D. Pole
-Causes, Assessment and Measurement of Cough in ChildrenAnne B. Chang
2024Cough in Children and Adults: Diagnosis, Assessment and Management (CICADA). Summary of an updated position statement on chronic cough in AustraliaJulie M Marchant; Anne B Chang; Emma Kennedy; David King; Jennifer L Perret; Andre Schultz; Maree R Toombs; Lesley Versteegh; Shyamali C Dharmage; Rebecca Dingle; Naomi Fitzerlakey; Johnson George; Anne Holland; Debbie Rigby; Jennifer Mann ; Stuart Mazzone; Mearon O'Brien; Kerry‐Ann O'Grady; Helen L Petsky; Jonathan Pham; Sheree MS Smith; Danielle F Wurzel; Anne E Vertigan; Peter Wark
2024Endotypes of Paediatric Cough—Do They Exist and Finding New Techniques to Improve Clinical OutcomesHannah O’Farrell; Hing Kok; Suhani Goel; Anne Chang ; Stephanie Yerkovich
2024Clinical utility of elective paediatric flexible bronchoscopy and impact on the quality of life: protocol for a single-centre, single-blind, randomised controlled trialRahul Thomas ; Julie M Marchant; Vikas Goyal ; Ian Brent Masters; Stephanie T Yerkovich; Anne B Chang
2024Erdosteine in children and adults with bronchiectasis (BETTER trial): study protocol for a multicentre, double-blind, randomised controlled trialAnne B Chang; Stephanie T Yerkovich; Katherine J Baines; Lucy Burr; Anita Champion; Mark D Chatfield; Kah P Eg; Vikas Goyal ; Robyn L Marsh; Gabrielle B McCallum; Margaret McElrea ; Steven McPhail ; Lucy C Morgan; Peter S Morris; Anne M Nathan; Hannah O’Farrell; Marion O Sanchez; Marianne Parsons; André Schultz; Paul J Torzillo; Nicholas P West; Lesley Versteegh; Julie M Marchant; Keith Grimwood 
2024Which reference equation should we use for interpreting spirometry values for First Nations Australians? A cross‐sectional studyAndrew J Collaro; Rachel Foong; Anne B Chang; Julie M Marchant; Tamara L Blake; Johanna F Cole; Glenn Pearson; Rebecca Hii; Henry Brown; Mark D Chatfield; Graham Hall; Margaret S McElrea
2024Social determinants of respiratory health from birth: still of concern in the 21st century?Andrew Bush; Catherine A. Byrnes; Kate C. Chan; Anne B. Chang; Juliana C. Ferreira; Karl A. Holden; Stephanie Lovinsky-Desir; Gregory Redding; Varinder Singh; Ian P. Sinha; Heather J. Zar
2024Cough in Children and Adults: Diagnosis, Assessment and Management (CICADA). Summary of an updated position statement on chronic cough in AustraliaJulie M Marchant; Anne B Chang; Peter AB Wark
2024Radiographic Outcomes in Pediatric Bronchiectasis and Factors Associated with ReversibilityDustin R. Mills; Ian B. Masters; Stephanie T. Yerkovich; Jane McEniery; Nitin Kapur; Anne B. Chang; Julie M. Marchant; Vikas Goyal 
2024Rasch validation of the short form (8 item) PC-QoL questionnaire and applicability of use as a health state classification system for a new preference-based measureJack M. Roberts; Anne B. Chang; Vikas Goyal ; Nitin Kapur; Julie M. Marchant; Steven M. McPhail; Sanjeewa Kularatna
2024Current physiotherapy practice for adults with bronchiectasis: Data from the Australian bronchiectasis registryElizabeth M. Webb; Anne E. Holland; Anne B. Chang; Lucy Burr; Chien-Li Holmes-Liew; Paul T. King; Peter G. Middleton; Lucy Morgan; Rachel M. Thomson; Conroy Wong; Annemarie L. Lee
2024Pediatric Bronchiectasis: Priorities, Precision Medicine, and Transition to Adult CareJulie M. Marchant; Michal Shteinberg; Anne B. Chang
Site's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 205