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Title: A randomised crossover study of low-ankle-pressure graduated-compression tights in reducing flight-induced ankle oedema
Authors: Hagan, Melissa 
Lambert, Stephen M
Issue Date: 21-Jan-2008
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Source: Hagan, M.J. and Lambert, S.M. (2008), A randomised crossover study of low-ankle-pressure graduated-compression tights in reducing flight-induced ankle oedema. Medical Journal of Australia, 188: 81-84.
Journal: The Medical journal of Australia
Abstract: To determine if low-ankle-pressure graduated-compression tights (GCTs) reduce flight-induced ankle oedema and subjectively rated travel symptoms of leg pain, discomfort and swelling, and improve energy levels, ability to concentrate, alertness, and post-flight sleep. Open, randomised crossover trial comparing the effects of GCTs (5 mmHg at ankle, 17-20 mmHg at calf and falling to 10 mmHg above knee and 4 mmHg at buttocks) among 50 adults on flights of 5 hours' or more duration between 1 May and 8 October 2006; 47 volunteers (pilots and passengers) completed the trial. Differences in right ankle circumference before and after flight with GCTs and without GCTs; travel symptoms rated on visual analogue scales. Low-ankle-pressure GCTs decreased ankle swelling (mean difference, - 0.19 cm; 95% CI, - 0.33 to- 0.65 cm; P = 0.012). Participants reported their legs felt better (mean, 1.6; P < 0.001; 95% CI, 1.0 to 2.1), warmer (mean, - 1.1; P < 0.001; 95% CI, - 1.6 to- 0.6), and they had a better night's sleep (mean, 1.2; P < 0.001; 95% CI, 0.8 to 1.7) after the flight when they wore GCTs. Shifts in rating-scale probability distributions showed improvements in the ratings of pain (60%; P < 0.001), leg discomfort (50%; P = 0.001), leg swelling (45%; P = 0.006), energy levels (18%; P = 0.016), alertness levels (13%; P = 0.031), and concentration (12%; P = 0.023) when wearing GCTs. Low-ankle-pressure GCTs reduce flight-induced ankle oedema and subjectively rated travel symptoms of leg pain, discomfort and swelling, and improve energy levels, ability to concentrate, alertness, and post-flight sleep.
DOI: 10.5694/j.1326-5377.2008.tb01527.x
Keywords: Travel, compression stockings, Flights Deep Vein Thrombosis, DVY, Air travel;graduated-compression tights flight-induced ankle oedema, subjectively rated travel symptoms of leg pain, discomfort and swelling;Flight energy levels, ability to concentrate, alertness, and post-flight sleep
Type: Article
Appears in Sites:Clinical Excellence Division Publications

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