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Title: Rapid molecular detection of CMY-2, and CTX-M group 1 and 9 variants via recombinase polymerase amplification
Authors: Ertl, Nicole G.
Irwin, Adam D.
Macdonald, Joanne
Bauer, Michelle J.
Wang, Claire Y. T.
Harris, Patrick N. A.
Heney, Claire 
Zowawi, Hosam M.
Whiley, David M.
Issue Date: 2023
Source: JAC-antimicrobial resistance, 2023 (5) 2 p.dlad023
Pages: dlad023
Journal Title: JAC-antimicrobial resistance
Abstract: Background: Due to their prevalence worldwide, the β-lactamases CTX-M and plasmid-mediated CMY-2 are important antimicrobial resistance enzymes in a clinical setting. While culture- and PCR-based detection methods exist for these targets, they are time consuming and require specialist equipment and trained personnel to carry out.; Methods: In this study, three rapid diagnostic single-plex and a prototype triplex assay were developed, using recombinase polymerase amplification with lateral flow detection (RPA-LF), and tested for their sensitivity and specificity using two isolate DNA panels ( n  = 90 and n  = 120 isolates). In addition, the RPA-LF assays were also tested with a small number of faecal extract samples ( n  = 18).; Results: The RPA-LF assays were able to detect bla CXT-M-group-1 , bla CTX-M-group-9 and bla CMY-2-type variants with high sensitivity (82.1%-100%) and specificity (100%) within a short turnaround time (15-20 min for amplification and detection).; Conclusions: RPA-LF assays developed in this study have the potential to be used at or close to the point of care, as well as in low-resource settings, producing rapid results to support healthcare professionals in their treatment decisions. (© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.)
DOI: 10.1093/jacamr/dlad023
Appears in Sites:Children's Health Queensland Publications

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