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Title: Recommendations for Standardizing MRI-based Evaluation of Perianal Fistulizing Disease Activity in Pediatric Crohn's Disease Clinical Trials
Authors: Crowley, Eileen
Ma, Christopher
Guizzetti, Leonard
Zou, Guangyong
Lewindon, Peter J.
Gee, Michael S.
Hyams, Jeffrey S.
Rosen, Michael J.
von Allmen, Daniel
de Buck van Overstraeten, Anthony
Shackelton, Lisa M.
Remillard, Julie
Schleicher, Lauren
Dillman, Jonathan R.
Rimola, Jordi
Taylor, Stuart A.
Fletcher, Joel G.
Church, Peter C.
Feagan, Brian G.
Griffiths, Anne M.
Jairath, Vipul
Greer, Mary-Louise C.
Issue Date: 2023
Source: Inflammatory bowel diseases, 2023
Journal Title: Inflammatory bowel diseases
Abstract: Background: Perianal fistulas and abscesses occur commonly as complications of pediatric Crohn's disease (CD). A validated imaging assessment tool for quantification of perianal disease severity and activity is needed to evaluate treatment response. We aimed to identify magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based measures of perianal fistulizing disease activity and study design features appropriate for pediatric patients.; Methods: Seventy-nine statements relevant to MRI-based assessment of pediatric perianal fistulizing CD activity and clinical trial design were generated from literature review and expert opinion. Statement appropriateness was rated by a panel (N = 15) of gastroenterologists, radiologists, and surgeons using modified RAND/University of California Los Angeles appropriateness methodology.; Results: The modified Van Assche Index (mVAI) and the Magnetic Resonance Novel Index for Fistula Imaging in CD (MAGNIFI-CD) were considered appropriate instruments for use in pediatric perianal fistulizing disease clinical trials. Although there was concern regarding the use of intravascular contrast material in pediatric patients, its use in clinical trials was considered appropriate. A clinically evident fistula tract and radiologic disease defined as at least 1 fistula or abscess on pelvic MRI were considered appropriate trial inclusion criteria. A coprimary clinical and radiologic end point and inclusion of a patient-reported outcome were also considered appropriate.; Conclusion: Outcomes of treatment of perianal fistulizing disease in children must include MRI. Existing multi-item measures, specifically the mVAI and MAGNIFI-CD, can be adapted and used for children. Further research to assess the operating properties of the indices when used in a pediatric patient population is ongoing. (© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
DOI: 10.1093/ibd/izad134
Appears in Sites:Children's Health Queensland Publications

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