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Title: What impact has the Centre of Research Excellence in Digestive Health made in the field of gastrointestinal health in Australia and internationally? Study protocol for impact evaluation using the FAIT framework
Authors: Koloski, Natasha 
Duncanson, Kerith
Ramanathan, Shanthi Ann
Rao, Melanie
Holtmann, Gerald 
Talley, Nicholas J
Issue Date: 21-Mar-2024
Source: BMJ open, 2024
Journal Title: BMJ open
Abstract: The need for public research funding to be more accountable and demonstrate impact beyond typical academic outputs is increasing. This is particularly challenging and the science behind this form of research is in its infancy when applied to collaborative research funding such as that provided by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council to the Centre for Research Excellence in Digestive Health (CRE-DH). In this paper, we describe the protocol for applying the Framework to Assess the Impact from Translational health research to the CRE-DH. The study design involves a five-stage sequential mixed-method approach. In phase I, we developed an impact programme logic model to map the pathway to impact and establish key domains of benefit such as knowledge advancement, capacity building, clinical implementation, policy and legislation, community and economic impacts. In phase 2, we have identified and selected appropriate, measurable and timely impact indicators for each of these domains and established a data plan to capture the necessary data. Phase 3 will develop a model for cost-consequence analysis and identification of relevant data for microcosting and valuation of consequences. In phase 4, we will determine selected case studies to include in the narrative whereas phase 5 involves collation, data analysis and completion of the reporting of impact.We expect this impact evaluation to comprehensively describe the contribution of the CRE-DH for intentional activity over the CRE-DH lifespan and beyond to improve outcomes for people suffering with chronic and debilitating digestive disorders. This impact evaluation study has been registered with the Hunter New England Human Research Ethics Committee as project 2024/PID00336 and ethics application 2024/ETH00290. Results of this study will be disseminated via medical conferences, peer-reviewed publications, policy submissions, direct communication with relevant stakeholders, media and social media channels such as X (formely Twitter).
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076839
metadata.dc.rights.holder: Holtmann, Gerald
Appears in Sites:Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Princess Alexandra Hospital

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