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Title: Applied Epidemiology in Central Queensland
Authors: Connie Slater 
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: The Australian National University
Abstract: This thesis has been completed as part of the Master of Philosophy (Applied Epidemiology) (MAE) program at the Australian National University (ANU). It describes the projects, personal experiences, and other courses to demonstrate acquisition of the mandatory competencies to satisfy the MAE program requirements. I carried out my field placement at the Central Queensland Public Health Unit (CQPHU), where I have been employed as a Public Health Data Officer (PHDO) for over 5 years. While undertaking the MAE from February 2021 to October 2023, I continued my employment as a PHDO, incorporating the application of field epidemiology into the scope of my role. The CQPHU is responsible for providing public health services to both Central Queensland and Central West Hospital and Health Service areas. The CQPHU utilises surveillance to monitor and respond to communicable disease events and other incidents of public health significance, providing the provision of support and education to both government and non-government agencies, as well as are responsible for the implementation of policy and legislation, actively ensuring the health and well-being of our population. This thesis details projects including a Norovirus outbreak in a childcare facility, an investigation of the COVID-19 vaccination in Central Queensland and determinants of vaccine uptake, as well as an evaluation of a respiratory virus sentinel surveillance program. Additionally, this thesis describes the details of my role in teaching activities undertaken, the development of a COVID-19 contact tracing database, and other tasks undertaken that contributed to the development of my skills in field epidemiology. Collectively these projects and additional public health experience gained during my field placement address the key competencies in outbreak investigation, epidemiological studies, data analysis, and evaluation of a public health surveillance system, fulfilling the requirements to satisfy the core competencies of the MAE program at ANU.
Type: Thesis
Appears in Sites:Queensland Health Publications

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