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dc.contributor.authorNasser, Ahmaden
dc.contributor.authorChaba, Anisen
dc.contributor.authorLaupland, Kevin Ben
dc.contributor.authorRamanan, Maheshen
dc.contributor.authorTabah, Alexisen
dc.contributor.authorAttokaran, Antony Gen
dc.contributor.authorKumar, Aashishen
dc.contributor.authorMcCullough, Jamesen
dc.contributor.authorShekar, Kiranen
dc.contributor.authorGarrett, Peteren
dc.contributor.authorMcIlroy, Philippaen
dc.contributor.authorLuke, Stephenen
dc.contributor.authorSenthuran, Sivaen
dc.contributor.authorBellomo, Rinaldoen
dc.contributor.authorWhite, Kyle Cen
dc.identifier.citationNasser A, Chaba A, Laupland KB, Ramanan M, Tabah A, Attokaran AG, Kumar A, McCullough J, Shekar K, Garrett P, McIlroy P, Luke S, Senthuran S, Bellomo R, White KC; Queensland Critical Care Research Network (QCCRN). ICU-acquired hypernatremia: Prevalence, patient characteristics, trajectory, risk factors, and outcomes. Crit Care Resusc. 2024 Nov 22;26(4):303-310. doi: 10.1016/j.ccrj.2024.09.003. PMID: 39781488; PMCID: PMC11704424.en
dc.descriptionCairns & Hinterland Hospital and Health Service (CHHHS) affiliated author: Philippa McIlroyen
dc.description.abstractKnowledge of intensive care unit (ICU) acquired hypernatremia (ICU-AH) has been hampered by the absence of granular data and confounded by variable definitions and inclusion criteria. Multicentre retrospective cohort study. Twelve ICUs in Queensland (QLD), Australia. Adult patients admitted to ICU from 2015 to 2021. Only the first ICU admission was considered, and we categorised patients into mild (146-150 mmol·L-1), moderate (151-155 mmol·L-1) and severe (>155 mmol·L-1) ICU-acquired hypernatremia. We aimed to study the prevalence of ICU-AH, patient characteristics, trajectory, risk factors, and outcomes. Data from 55,255 ICU admissions were included in the analysis, of which 4146 (7.5 %) patients had ICU-AH. These were subcategorised into mild (n = 2,670, 4.8 %), moderate (n = 1,073, 1.9 %) and severe (n = 403, 0.73 %) forms. Median time to diagnosis was 4 (2-6) d after ICU admission, while median time to peak serum sodium level was 5 (3-8) d. The median maximum sodium level across the cohort was 149 (147-152) mmol·L-1. The sodium correction rate was 1 mmol·L-1 per day, taking a median of 3 d (1-5) for sodium levels to return below 145 mmol·L-1. APACHE III score, invasive ventilation, fever, and diuretic use on the day before hypernatremia were independent risk factors for moderate or severe ICU-AH. After adjusting for confounders, all levels of hypernatremia were independently associated with an increased risk of 30-d in-hospital mortality. In a large multicentric study of critically ill patients, ICU-acquired hypernatremia occurred in one in eight admissions after a median of four days in the ICU and was preceded by identifiable and modifiable risk factors. If severe, its correction was slow, and normalisation was delayed. After adjusting for other factors, all levels of hypernatremia were an independent risk factor for 30-d in-hospital mortality.en
dc.publisherCollege of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealanden
dc.relation.ispartofCritical Care & Resuscitationen
dc.subjectCritical illnessen
dc.subjectElectrolyte disturbanceen
dc.subjectIntensive care uniten
dc.titleICU-acquired hypernatremia: Prevalence, patient characteristics, trajectory, risk factors, and outcomesen
dc.identifier.journaltitleCritical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine-
item.fulltextWith Fulltext-
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